Jack Wilder Joins the Clan
What kind of reality am I living in right now? I’m reclined on our bed with a baby BOY snuggled at my feet, my husband working in our room so…

Pregnancy #2 Thoughts: 26 Weeks
Hey everyone! Well, my mind felt the need to get some thoughts out on paper the internet, and my fingers felt the need to move, so here we are, 26…

Every Activity is a Story
I heard this quote on Rich Roll's recent podcast episode with the creators of Strava, and it really struck me. In a movement-oriented sense (to put it in the context...

Spring (into) Family Fun
Cheesy titles are everything, aren't they? ;) We are thrilled it's spring over here in Calgary (despite the fact that it's forecasted to snow all weekend...), and we're starting to...

Strength: A Direction, Not a Destination
I recently read the above sentiment in a blog post by Josh Hillis and was struck but what a neat (and not often explored) concept this is. In our health...

Movement, Motherhood and Momentum
I have not blogged in a very long time… A little more than six months if I look back! Oh, I have sat down many times to write my thoughts...

Postpartum Body Image
Hello from a gorgeous, sunny stretch of weather in Calgary! Our December weather has been incredible - not awesome if you want to ski, but with a newborn and only...

What I Learned From My First Mom’s Group
This week I went to my first moms group. I’m extremely blessed to have a great community of women and moms around me from my friends who have had kids before…

The Fourth Trimester
I cannot believe it, but this weekend Abigail turned 6 weeks old, which means 6 weeks ago I gave birth, in our home, to our favourite little human. Man alive…

A Tan Face, Good Lashes & BiPro Lives On
…how’s that for a title, right?! A bit of a mouthful, but I wanted to pop in and share some great products I’ve tried lately – what I’d recommend…

A Texas Wedding
Howdy, ya’ll! We are back from Houston in Calgary and happy to be home – despite the amazing trip away in Texas and Mikey’s quick turn-around soon for the…

Big Changes!
I can’t believe it, but today I’m one day away from 20 weeks – halfway through my pregnancy! It’s been busy in life and apparently in my womb…

Then, One Day…
Well, I alluded to sharing some fun news on the blog later this week, and the day is here! Yep Mikey and I are having a baby! We can…

Triplets Bodyweight Workout: 3x3x7
Hello and happy April, everyone! I love the start of a new month, especially when it’s one that opens the door to spring! We’re finally moving out of winter here…

What I’m Loving Lately
Hey guys! Back again to share some Friday Favorites with you all… I love reading other bloggers’ favorite things so I thought I’d share a few fun items today! Why…

Into the Wild: Wates-Gisbon Hut in Jasper
Another backcountry trip complete, another amazing adventure with friends come and gone. [Please note: many of our photos did not upload, and I’m still trying out figure out why. No…

New Website Reveal + More Nutritious Movement
I have been so excited to let you know that my rebranded website is up and running! I can’t believe I haven’t yet shared it with you, but…