Jack Wilder Joins the Clan
What kind of reality am I living in right now? I’m reclined on our bed with a baby BOY snuggled at my feet, my husband working in our room so…

Pregnancy #2 Thoughts: 26 Weeks
Hey everyone! Well, my mind felt the need to get some thoughts out on paper the internet, and my fingers felt the need to move, so here we are, 26…

Pregnancy #2: Sharing Our Joy
Well, if you follow me on social media, you may or may not know that I am 14 weeks pregnant today - but I am picking up the blog again...

Every Activity is a Story
I heard this quote on Rich Roll's recent podcast episode with the creators of Strava, and it really struck me. In a movement-oriented sense (to put it in the context...

Spring (into) Family Fun
Cheesy titles are everything, aren't they? ;) We are thrilled it's spring over here in Calgary (despite the fact that it's forecasted to snow all weekend...), and we're starting to...

Strength: A Direction, Not a Destination
I recently read the above sentiment in a blog post by Josh Hillis and was struck but what a neat (and not often explored) concept this is. In our health...

Movement, Motherhood and Momentum
I have not blogged in a very long time… A little more than six months if I look back! Oh, I have sat down many times to write my thoughts...

A Week in the EcoSport
I have not blogged in a very long time… A little more than six months if I look back! Oh, I have sat down many times to write my thoughts...

Postpartum Fitness & Nutrition Mindset
As a personal trainer in the fitness industry, it’s pretty hard to separate myself from thinking about fitness and nutrition since it’s the world I live in. This is not...

Adventuring Through 9 - Make That 10 - Months
Hello, blogging world! It has been a while since I've sat down and blogged. I've definitely been on social media - I've be sharing quite a bit over on Instagram as...

What You Really Need to be Healthy
Hey guys! Long time no blog - but how many times have I started a blog post like that before? ;) I'm enjoying being active over on Instagram daily and...

Not in a Hurry
"I'm not in a hurry when it comes to your spirit, when it comes to your presence, when it comes to your voice. I'm learning to listen, just to rest...

Postpartum Body Image
Hello from a gorgeous, sunny stretch of weather in Calgary! Our December weather has been incredible - not awesome if you want to ski, but with a newborn and only...

What I Learned From My First Mom’s Group
This week I went to my first moms group. I’m extremely blessed to have a great community of women and moms around me from my friends who have had kids before…

The Fourth Trimester
I cannot believe it, but this weekend Abigail turned 6 weeks old, which means 6 weeks ago I gave birth, in our home, to our favourite little human. Man alive…

Newborn Photo Shoot & Holiday Fun
Hey guys! It seems like blog updates are far and few between lately, but I have some fun reviews and updates coming for your soon - it’s just taking me…

The First Few Days…
It’s hard to believe its been two weeks since Abigail was born! Yesterday (Saturday) marks that time frame and it feels both slow and fast at the same time, like…

Abigail Nahanni Lang: Curiosity and Confidence
After a pregnancy filled with anticipation and excitement, we are so thrilled to share that Abigail Nahanni Lang, our little miracle babe, was born on Saturday, October 21st at our home…

Helpful Practices During Pregnancy
Hey guys! I’m hanging out on my couch tonight after a great but relaxing day - a few appointments, a workout and walk, some good down time and relaxed time…