Postpartum Fitness & Nutrition Mindset
As a personal trainer in the fitness industry, it’s pretty hard to separate myself from thinking about fitness and nutrition since it’s the world I live in. This is not...

What You Really Need to be Healthy
Hey guys! Long time no blog - but how many times have I started a blog post like that before? ;) I'm enjoying being active over on Instagram daily and...

Postpartum Body Image
Hello from a gorgeous, sunny stretch of weather in Calgary! Our December weather has been incredible - not awesome if you want to ski, but with a newborn and only...

A Flip Has Been Switched
I’m currently sitting in my glider and typing on my computer, dim lights all around me and good music filling the air while a candle flickers a soft flame and soft…

Living Your Fitness, Being Honest About Your Goals
Pregnancy has taught me many things, and I’ve loved having the chance to share about it with you guys via my blog! Part of me wants to apologize for blogging…

How I Stayed Motivated, Pregnancy Edition
Hey guys! I hope you’re having an awesome start to your week. Mine has been good – got a great workout in yesterday after a weekend of feeling blah and…