How I Stayed Motivated, Pregnancy Edition
Hey guys! I hope you’re having an awesome start to your week. Mine has been good – got a great workout in yesterday after a weekend of feeling blah and eating similarly blah food, which of course contributes to the blahness all around! I was determined to start Monday off on a strong note and went in before my clients began (unheard of pre- and during pregnancy for me!) so that I could make sure to move. It’s amazing how what you eat can affect how you want to (or don’t want to!) move on a given day – which can turn into a weekend or week or longer!
Which made me think about motivation – that elusive quality we’re all trying to track down and harness so that we can achieve more, do more, and live better. I truly don’t think there’s a secret to motivation, but I do believe there are ways we can be more intentional and set ourselves up for success. So as I’ve started to slow down with my workouts, feel tired and opt for more naps and be mindful of my movement in this phase of my life and pregnancy, here are some tips that have helped me stay more consistent than not:
Make It Routine: I aim for 3 workouts a week plus hitting at least 12,000 steps a day. I’m flexible with the days I do this so that I can be gracious to my body, but I know I’ll be moving intentionally via a workout or walking no matter what. And you know what? I feel better when I move – I felt much worse getting 5,000 steps on Saturday and Sunday than I do when I’m normally more active and resting too much has the opposite effect! Make it routine so it’s part of your life.
Make It Routine: I aim for 3 workouts a week plus hitting at least 12,000 steps a day. I’m flexible with the days I do this so that I can be gracious to my body, but I know I’ll be moving intentionally via a workout or walking no matter what. And you know what? I feel better when I move – I felt much worse getting 5,000 steps on Saturday and Sunday than I do when I’m normally more active and resting too much has the opposite effect! Make it routine so it’s part of your life.
(finally back to doing these as I let my body be my guide!)
Stay Consistent with Your Nutrition: Let me be the first to say that consistent is far from what I’ve been in my diet since the first trimester! Give me all the French bread, fruit and no thanks to meat and vegetables! The changing and growing body is a crazy thing. But the more I can give myself those things from time to time and not over an entire weekend, the more I’m able to find ways to squeeze veggies and protein in. BiPro Canada protein has been a lifesaver, allowing me to get more protein in when I can’t cook or eat meat lately, and I’m able to blend up some greens in my smoothies too. I’ve had my fair share of ice cream and rice and bread galore, but when I’m able to get a few healthy choices in throughout my day, it helps me to be more consistent in my movement, too. So give yourself grace but do your best to make small, more nutritious choices when you can – they go a long way!
Keep Sleep Central: Sleep affects everything! It’s so vital for us to be functioning humans, so if you need a nap and can take one, do it! If that means saying no to nighttime TV so you prioritize your rest, do it! We KNOW the value of sleep and yet it’s one of those areas we don’t tend to take action in, but rather say things like, “I should sleep more, I know!” or, “I can’t wait to sleep in this weekend!” Instead, put your phone down, dim the lights, and make rest a priority. I PROMISE your workouts will be better, your food choices healthier, your mood less grumpy, your productivity higher. Nothing but good results from more and better quality sleep. So keep it central to your goals because it’s such a game-changer (hence the many all-caps in this section).
(an oldie, but a goodie, and actually not staged at all!)
Pick Out a New Workout Outfit: Yep! Maybe you’ve gained some weight, or you know you’re going to (I’m starting to stretch all over!), or perhaps some of your muscles have atrophied and you’ve lost some size. It helps to not try to squeeze into something that doesn’t fit or try to wear something that’s too baggy and instead feel good in your clothes. I’m not always at a point where I can purchase new clothes, and you probably aren’t either, but sometimes it’s a great way to get yourself back and gear and grab some extra motivation.
I’m super thankful to be partnering with SportChek and New Balance Canada to share with your their new line of lifestyle and technical wear, and a new workout outfit and shopping experience with Heather was just what I needed as my body is changing and my motivation needs a pick-me-up! I’ll be sharing more about my experience, why you need to check out these flex spaces in a SportChek near you across Canada, and what I chose! Super thankful for the opportunity and looking forward to sharing the details with you.
Stay Hydrated: It’s kind of like the sleep one – it’s so simple to do and is so good for us but we rarely take it seriously. Since getting pregnant, I went from drinking at least 3 litres of water a day to barely 1-2. I don’t know why, but it’s been like choking the stuff down for me! My headaches have gone but and I don’t feel as good, so I’m back to forcing it (where’s this crazy thirst I hear about? I’ve been avoiding the stuff, which is so unusual for me!), which I know many of you have to do too (I’m lookin’ at you, mom). Keep sipping from your water bottle and drink away! Let’s do it – drink up!
So there’s a few tips that help me keep moving even though they don’t all relate to movement – it helps with my motivation and keeps me more consistent than not! What are your top tips to stay motivated through a change in life or body? I’d love to hear about them below!
Live well & be well, and come back Friday for a fitness fashion post!