Newborn Photo Shoot & Holiday Fun
Hey guys! It seems like blog updates are far and few between lately, but I have some fun reviews and updates coming soon for you – it’s just taking me longer to get to them these days! In the meantime, how about some fun pictures? Before Abigail gets too old (I know she’s only just over 5 weeks but this little one is growing so fast and looking less and less like a newborn!), I wanted to share some of the photos that our good friend, Chantal from Paisley Photography, took a few weeks ago! She shared her photo picks plus our story on her blog post here, and now I’m sharing just a few of our favorites below. (Thanks for capturing so much joy and those first few weeks for us, Chantal!)
Abigail’s small room is now exploded with her clothes – so many hand-me-downs which is awesome, but I have so much to organize and go through! Her room was clean for just a moment.
Those little lips!
We sure love life with this little one! Very grateful for friends who take amazing photos that have truly captured this journey for us.
Our weeks have been filled with visits to friends’ homes, friends visiting us, continued meals being dropped off (what a tangible, immense help this has been!) and receiving gifts like homemade blankets (thanks, Angie!) and cute outfits (thanks, Pam and Mark!). Abigail and I have been getting out for walks almost daily and slowing finding our routine, and with the holidays upon us we’ve had some special celebrations to enjoy, too!
(as best as I could capture Abigail plus a cute dress, toque and Scottish t-shirt and tartan blanket!)
My view on warm walks – when it’s cold out, she’s so wrapped up I have to keep checking if she’s breathing in there!
My friend Jacque graciously invited Abby and I over while Mikey was away filming in Newfoundland for about a week (we survived on our own!) for an American Thanksgiving celebration! This is the one day out of the year where I miss family and traditions most, so it meant so much to tag the team the meal and for her to even think of us at all. What a gift!
It was fun to see friends and their kids over lunch and dinner hours too!
(a blurry Bea and Bon + a crooked headed Abby while visiting with our doula and friend, Allison!)
It was my mother-in-law’s birthday over the weekend and we went out for a fun brunch at Heritage Park and enjoyed a beautiful day walking around with my brother- and sister-in-law and new nephew. It was so fun to meet Caleb and all be together!
Caleb is such an awesome, happy little guy!
Siblings with each other’s kids!
The sister-in-laws with each other’s kidlets!
An early Christmas dinner thanks to Maurice and Muriel’s cooking!
Out at Heritage Park; happy birthday, Muriel!
Abby (and Caleb!) got to wear her new outfit from Grandma – and I especially love the stripes of this cute elf outfit!
So in the midst of learning more about Abigail’s rhythms and better understanding what her cues mean (she’s just started crying more when we have exhausted what we think might be wrong – tired, hungry, or needs to be changed), we are enjoying this new phase of life and the changes that come with it! We continue to be grateful for friends and family who love and support us and just have so much fun watching Abby grow and change daily.
I hope you guys are doing well and enjoying the start to the holiday season! Stay tuned for a post all about coffee and motherhood and a new kind of toothpaste – these things may or may not be related. Live well & be well,