Time Flies
WOW…Today I’m 31 weeks – and the prospect of having a baby in 9 weeks is both extremely exciting and simultaneously terrifying.
I don’t always think I’ve changed that much and then, all of a sudden, it’s like, oh man – things are different and I can feel the weight changes and fatigue setting in and uncomfortable moments when I bend over. It happened so suddenly, which is so odd to me, but it crept up and now I feel like I’m getting towards the end. I reflect on all this knowing it’s my experience in the moment, because I’m sure those last few weeks or days (especially if I’m overdue!) are really going to feel long, but right now time feels like it’s flying.
Over the weekend, I decided on a last-minute hike with a friend up Mount Lady MacDonald in Canmore. It was hot when we started and I forgot about how straight up that climb begins – that plus being 30 weeks pregnant sure had me huffing and puffing immediately! I felt the difference from my Yamnuska Hike but was happy to be moving.
(repping lots of 2XU compression re: my socks and pre-natal compression, too!)
Not the best angle to compare as I didn’t take a photo for the sake of comparison, but you get the idea! It was a great hike despite seeking shelter from a storm that hit hard and heavy and we let it pass over us.
As it turns out, the second storm we saw that caused us to turn around ended up missing us, but with thunder clapping right overhead while we were on the ridge, it was a good call to pack it in. We got a great workout in (we did the toughest part of the climb without the summit view!), chatted the whole time, and afterwards enjoyed a coffee and more conversation at her home with Warren and their awesome little girls. I felt proud I was able to hike but sure felt the changes from 20 weeks to 30!
I’m so grateful that despite the slowing down and fatigue, I’m still able to move and workout intentionally, it’s just starting to change as the weeks go by.
(Love my Strong As a Mother tank!)
So, yes, time is flying by. We start our healthy choices baby classes in the beginning of September and I’m so thankful for that, because with Mikey being away so much this summer it feels like I’m processing so much on my own – I’m ready to be a team in life and in this process of pregnancy again! That time hasn’t exactly flown – it’s very hard to believe that it’s August, but it’s just hitting me what a long summer it’s been without Mikey. Another summer of Survive & Thrive marching on – 9 years after our first trip, never knowing if it would continue from year to year – and that’s so exciting. But what a different summer it’s been! I’m anxious to pick Mikey up soon and hear all about this last trip – so many incredible stories from amazing lives return after each expedition and people are changed. These years have been a gift and it’s a gift to watch it continue, even in the different capacity that the expeditions are running in.
Just as Survive & Thrive has changed, I’m beginning to change, and reality is slowly sinking in. I went to baby store on the weekend and tried on a few carriers. Trying to slide this weighted newborn baby doll into the carriers made everything seem more real – and kind of scary! But this BirthFit Facebook post was timely to read:
Some digging then lead me to a blog post called, “You Are Not a Lemon,” inspired from a book I’m just finishing up myself. My main take-away from this post (which I think comes with a great message for anyone, pregnant or not) is that even if a weighted newborn baby doll freaks me out a little, my body knows how to do this. And furthermore, I’m reminded to keep listening to my body in this time as I’m seeing more change week by week, and I think we all need to remember to listen to our bodies! From the blog post:
“We expect so damn much from our bodies every single day. Most women live life constantly on full throttle; fueled by caffeine, on very little sleep, with an endless to-do list, on as few calories as their calculations say they can (while occasionally binging on foods that do not serve their body), and squeezing in extreme workouts while undernourished, dehydrated and unrested. In return, their bodies communicate discomfort and rather than slowing down, women medicate every ache and pain.
Does that sound familiar? When was the last time you sat and really listened to what your body was trying to tell you? Take time to really listen because it is speaking. Its voice may not seem very strong at first because you have gotten really good at shutting it out and pressing on.”
Can’t we all benefit from that message? Time is flying for all of us and we might just need to slow down and breathe, to listen to our bodies and respond to them. A client of mine came in this week, a guy who never misses his sessions and always works hard, and after a few exercises it was clear he was gassed more than usual. So we sat down while he recovered his breath and he told me he hadn’t been sleeping well, and I knew he’d been working non-stop for quite some time, eve weekends, without a break. We decided it was best he call it in and that was important to do in the moment – to not push through the pain with that “no pain, no gain!” mentality but to know when your body is talking to you.
So…if time is passing you by, take a moment to slow down, to listen to your body, to connect with others and decide to go after your workout OR rest OR have some ice cream OR cook a nourishing meal OR go to bed early. Live well & be well, friends!